Friday, April 18, 2014

Coming Soon!

Watch here for the soon to be released book by Francine Rivers. This is her first new book in several years and we are excited about its soon publication.


Doris Howard

1 comment:

  1. On the book shelf are some are the following "not to missed books".

    Auschwitz escape - The true story of two Jewish men who were probably the only ones who ever successfully escaped this notorious prison. The reason was there burning desire to warn the world about what was happening to the Jewish people under Hitler's regime.

    The Glory of Heaven - John MacArthur's new book that joins several other excellent books in our library on Heaven. In anticipation of the Lord's soon return this is a timely book. An additional new book on this same subject is Things unseen" Living in light of forever by Mark Buchanan.

    Thank you, Billy Graham: A tribute to the life and ministry of Billy Graham - This delightful biography is written by those who knew him best - his children.

    The Narrow Road - True stories of people who experienced persecution for their faith. Brother Andrew co-authored this book.

    Walking with God through pain and suffering - by Timothy Keller. This is a great personal read, or one to be shared with friends going through a hard time.


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