Thursday, November 6, 2014

New Books!

Karen Kingsbury has started a new series, Angels Walking.  The first book, Angels Walking, is a whole new take on angels (fiction of course).  Two angels are assigned to go down to earth and interact in the lives of humans.  This book, typical of Karen, is a well-written  romance and will hold your interest to the end. 

Jan Karon also has a new book after quite a dry spell.  Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good.  Her book was listed on the New York Times Bestseller List this last week.  Yeah for Jan. This is the 10th book in the Mitford Series.

Jane Kirkpatrick's newest book A Light in the Wilderness, I believe is one of her very best book.  The central character is a freed black woman,  who makes her way out to Oregon with a wagon train on The Oregon Trail.  This historical fiction is so well done and worth your time to read.

Revelation Unveiled, by Tim LaHaye will be of special interest to those of you taking Tom Tillman's current class.  There is so much depth in Revelation that it is helpful to have new books, such as this, help us understand this important book.

With several worship styles in our churches today you might want to consider reading this new book, The Unquenchable Worshipper: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship.  An older book, but very comprehensive, would be Worship the Missing Jewel by Borror and Allen.  Both titles are available in our library currently.

In today's troubled world many people question why there is so much suffering.  Ravi Zacharias has attempted to answer that question with his new book, Why Suffering?  Finding Meaning and Comfort When Life Doesn't Make Sense.  

Also on that same theme is the DVD, Through a Lens Darkly: Grief, Loss and C.S. Lewis.  Both of these are new to our collection.
                                                                          Warmly, Doris